simple things in life...
it's the simple things in life that i love. here are a few... i love waking up early, (well not really but after i'm up, then i love it. that initial part of getting out of bed is always really hard.) but when i wake up early i have the early morning moments to myself and my and my thoughts. that is nice. i love it when i go outside and the morning dew is still on the prairie plants that we don't cut down or better yet, there are the beautiful webs that grace us in the morning. sparkling with the dew.

i love the moments when i am a witness to something that i would normally miss. like a snail crawling along, determined to reach its destination, wherever that may be.
i love it when flowers blossom. nothing is like a flower. if i would change my name, i would change it to flower. i love the beauty of a flower and the versatility of it too. it can become a fruit that we can eat. it helps the bees make honey. it can make nuts. should i continue? how amazing is that? i love it how the growing farmer boys pick me every flower possible so i can place it behind my ear.
i love the colors that surround us. they are every where, you just have to look for it. different shades of purple, blue, brown, red, green. it's awesome! i love making shadow shapes with the boys. that never gets old. i love taking pictures. i could walk around for hours snapping pics. truth be told, since i got my digital camera, i have never deleted a picture. i have them all. discs full. i love it how a picture freezes that moment in time. to be remembered later.
i love growing our own food. the other day we harvested our first two potatoes EVER! that was so exciting. that started with a little potato that i forgot to eat then the eyes grew so i stuck it in the ground. 1 potato made two. can't beat that.
my list can continue, and i'm sure at some point in the future i'm make a new different list of the simple things that i love. what about you, what are the simple thing in your life that you love?