past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Friday, August 24, 2012


i am a fan of charts and we have been using them from a long time for the growing farmer sons.  i think our first one was the potty chart.  every time the farmer sons tee-teed in the potty they got one sticker and they got two for a poop. then it evolved to a few things, like listening to their body after they were potty trained, listening in general, and sharing.   at some point farmer dad and i  added things like signing and having a good attitude.  from there  i found some awesome FREE superhero charts with five slots. we have been using them for a few months now but i wanted to add too it.  i want something more permanent then one week.  i like the reward charts.  it makes sense to me.  it sets responsibilities and behavior goals. 

there is a mardel store in lafayette that we like to go too. (it's one of my favorite!) they have a lot of good sales on school stuff.  so we were there the other day when we noticed the nice wooden magnetic behavior charts on sale for 1/2 off.  

 so we got two and from there i revamped it to fit us.  here is the finished product...

farmer son 1

farmer son 2

farmer son 1

farmer son 2

magnets covered with stamps for chart

 i found the letters to the farmer sons first and middle names and put that with their blue hand print on the top section.  also i covered the magnets with old stamps and even created new magnets from stickers for the guys to use.  it has been something that they like and look forward to using. i can support that.  someitmes if we are having issues a good little reminder about the magnets usually is what it takes to change it. can't beat that. 

so there are our new charts.  ones that shall last a while.
til next time,
farmer mom


NanaBananaFarmer said...

Great looking charts. Covers everything. We can see them when we come.

Unknown said...

thank you. we really like them.