the big girls...

the big girls have been making eggs for almost a year now. i can remember the day when farmer dad walked into the house with two things and said "guess what i have?" at first i thought that he found 2 rocks, silly thinking about it now but the thought of our first eggs didn't even cross my mind. anyway, so the moment was there, time to try our first eggs. if you know me, you'd know that i'm the pickiest vegetarian out there. i'm not adventorous when it comes to food at all. so here are these two eggs, the first of many, and here are the two farmer sons looking to me for my reaction. this is the make it or break it moment, i had to put on a brave face. so, we fried up the eggs. got out four forks and tasted our first duck eggs from the babies that we raised! at that moment, we stopped buying eggs from the store and have had farm fresh almost daily! it is awesome! bring on the scrambled, fried, french toast, pancakes and muffins. not to mention cookies. i have to say this too, i was not a big egg person. they were something that i used to be very dramatic about and picky about eating. but now, i notice myself craving them and sometimes even my mouth watering for them.
our girls live in a roughly 1 acre orchard. they sleep in the barn at night to protect them from country life night time predators and roam around during the day: eating bugs, swimming, and enjoying life. in the morning, they are all excited and ready to start their day. when i let them out, they all run to find mushrooms growing and snatch them up as quickly as they can. that is a prize to be eaten. they will run after each other trying to get the best morning treats. lately, they have been separating into smaller groups, but if one calls out, the rest come. it's interesting to go outside and watch them. they are calm creatures for the most part. they are very aware of their surrounding and things going on. at night, when it is time to put them up, i open the gate and they instantly run up to me quacking, telling me about their days. then they follow me to the barn and when i open the door, they walk in and i tell them good night. it's a nice moment.
i'm grateful that we have our ducks. i'm grateful that they give us eggs everyday. i'm grateful that our two farmer sons can learn SO ,many things because of it.
til next time,
farmer mom