past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

my signing challenge...

my signing challenge...
so since april 2010 i have started learning signs.  i started with simple signs, then added  the yellow signing exact english book (see).   when we found out that it was progressive we went out and got the asl dictionary.  i didn't read the cover until later, we had purchased the abridged version.  poopy.  not what i needed! i wanted the complete book. my one stop shop so to speak.   so i went to amazon, got a used unabridged version of the dictionary for a great price and perfect condition, in hard cover too!  it was a reference book from a library barely used.  i love my book.  so since then, i started studying. a little bit here, a little bit there, but nothing very serious.  i had no plan.

 not every word has a sign, and sometimes the see book has a sign that the asl book doesn't or vice versa.  so i am putting the two together.  i like certain aspects of see  and i know that one day we will be asl people all the time, but for right now carrying around two HUGE  books doesn't float my boat.  so in the end we will have a book that has every sign that we use.  it is what works for our family.  i want to have every possible tool for our farmer sons.  i can spell the word, i can use the see sign and i can use the asl sign.  not to mention saying the word, too.  so yes.  anyway, i know a good amount of signs, but there always seems to be a word that i don't know.  that is frustrating!  i don't want to have to finger spell everything that i don't know.  so the other day, i gave myself a challenge:to complete the asl unabridged dictionary in one year.   (i love a good challenge, who doesn't?)  so, the asl unabridged dictionary is 983 pages.  if i study 3 pages a day i can finish that book in a year.  so i am counting down.  3 pages a day and in one year i will have it.  i'm writing in  the see book signs  where needed so i can  be as thorough as possible. but i'm excited.  nothing like a good challenge to get my blood going.    for fun i started on the last page.  so the challenge is on.

 if there is a word that you want to know the sign of, let me know and i'll be happy to share with you. 

til next time,
farmer mom

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