past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


if you know me, you know that i LOVE to take pictures!  and if you don't know me and you visit here often you will probably soon learn that i love to take pictures. i love to take pictures of anything, i' not picky.  but i really enjoy taking pictures of nature.  something about it just speaks to me.  so i thought i's share some of the latest that i captured around our farm.  i hope you enjoy them as much as i enjoyed taking them.
fuzzy caterpillar.

beautiful grasshopper.

not one of my best phots, but i thought i'd share the snake in our garden.   i do NOT like snakes at all!


can't help myself with grass and morning dew.

crape myrtle flowers.

our dryer... used the machine one  maybe 5 times this year.

something about snails... they interest me.

more dew on grass... simple things in life.

simple beauty...

between the ducks and the farmer sons, i'm grateful that i caught this one.

how cute.

saved this bug's life.  it was swimming in the duck pond = certain death!

til next time,
farmer mom

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