past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

sign langugage...

sign language...
i thought that i would share some FREE sign language sites.  i have to say that as a mom it makes me teary eyed when other people know how to sign, even just the alphabet, and are able to communicate with farmer son 2. it's always fun  to say " she/he knows how to sign too!" then i see the smile on his face.  it's nice to know that you aren't alone.  know what i mean?  i love going to the store and the cashier sees us signing and they sign their name.  good for you, keep it up!   it really does make a difference, not just to me and my family but to others too.  we get a lot of people asking questions when we are out and i feel it's my job to share the message, so to speak, about sign language and to be that encouragement for them to start or continue.  so, if you have a moment and want to learn something new, i would highly recommend checking out these sites.  and you never know when you might be able to put a smile on someone's face.
the sites are:

if you check them out, please let me know what you think.
til next time,
farmer mom

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