past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Friday, July 13, 2012

no poo...

no poo...
so i have been no poo for over 3 1/2 years.  i saw something about it, got interested and read more.  soon after i began my shampoo detox and started with the baking soda and vinegar.  i had some lavendar essense so i added that too.   in the begining i kind of smelt like a salad, but i soon learned and had it figured out.  since those first few moments, i have never gone back!  and i have to say proudly that our sons, our growing farmer sons are officially no poo now too!  they had their first no poo today.  i'm excitied. i'm euthanstic of the way they are grwoing and learning. on top of sign language, composting, raising ducks, gardening and having an orchard, they are now no poo.  if you would like to know more about no pooing, go to . 

til next time,
farmer mom

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