past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

farm fresh eggs...

 after our original 10 girls,  we were kind of scared to take on additional ducks with out knowing if people would like our eggs as much as we did. we were scared of the potential of an abundance of duck eggs that we could not sell or keep up with eating ourselves.  we worried about the potential of our friends avoiding us because they didn't want more duck eggs either.  thinking about it though it was something that we believed in. so we embraced it and we did it- we ordered 20 more ducks.  since those moments 4 girls have died and left us with 26.   at this moment,  our 26 girls can not keep up with the demand for their eggs. how great is that!  we are so thankful.  to help meet the demand better, as a family we  haven't eaten eggs since july.  how crazy is that?  can i mention how much we miss it?  we have a flock of 26 ducks essentially in our back yard,  but not enough eggs.  what a wonderful "problem".    the decision was made recently by farmer dad and i to order more ducks.  30 more cayuga baby ducks shall be arriving here early one morning next week (an abundance of pictures soon to follow after that)  and then approximately 5 months from then we shall be able to  provide more eggs for you and eggs for us, too.  thank you for your patience and understanding as we grow.  

 i am grateful,
farmer mom

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