past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Monday, November 26, 2012


...our church provided farmer son 2 with an interpreter during service. it was so awesome for him to have that option and so awesome for me to have that time in service to worship and not feel the pressure that i should be signing. unfortunately he really wasn't interested in the service being signed.  bits and pieces he wanted to watch but he rather look through the worship bags provided.  i can appreciate that.  i am grateful though that the effort was made.  she then joined him in sunday school, gave everyone a signing name and taught the entire sunday school away in a manger in sign. that woman is awesome! the entire time i kept thinking how blessed we are!  we belong to a community where everyone is embracing us and our new language... sign language.  it makes me tear up just thinking about it.  it feels so awesome to belong to a community where people care and are embracing our son and family in such a positive way. the road ahead just got that much easier.  our support team just grew some more.  i am beyond grateful. 

til next time,
farmer mom

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