past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

the egg makers...

... have a great life.  they roam around eating bugs and adding valuable nutrients to the earth.   here are some pictures of their day- roaming free! 

they usually follow the current leader to the next spot

pondering where she should go next

looking for tasty bugs to eat
even though they can't really fly; they like to pretend that they do


all lined up and ready to go

beautiful black egg
granted i'm not a duck nor do i speak duck  but if i had to guess i'd say that our ducks are happy. 

til next time,
farmer mom


NanaBananaFarmer said...

Great pics Miss Krystal. I'm sure the girls are very happy in their home. And why wouldn't they be?

Unknown said...

thanks nana banana farmer. i have to say that farmer son 1 was the photographer for most of them. and i have to say that the way animals are treated make all the difference in the world when it comes to the product.