so yesterday was the day! i have been anticipating and dreaming about this moment .... since march 1 we have been using two separate barns. the big girls were in their normal barn which was the perfect size for 10 ducks and we made a new barn for the new girls. this one is much bigger and we learned from the first barn, so it's better too- including the concrete slab and the fancy custom design water trough from farmer dad. we knew that eventually everyone would join together in the new barn. all the girls under one roof. and this is that moment! it is so exciting! since march 1 we have been doing everything double, once for the the big girl barn and once for the babies. they were on two different kinds of feed, the grower for the babies and the layer for the big girls, so we had to keep them separated. and now, that they are both layers and ready for the layer food they can be together. wohoo! i have to say, honestly it wasn't that bad, i feel like we had a good rhythm going so the flow was easy and nice. some days were longer than others, but really it wasn't that bad. i'm happy that that is over now. still honestly speaking, i'm all about things being easier and more efficient, with more time to spare. who isn't?! it will be interesting to see how much things actually change. so now we have everyone together, the 27 girls and one barn.
the babies are now free to roam with the big girls. up to this point they were had their duck run, which is a large area with a canal and lots of area to forage but still separate from the main orchard where they now walk free. it will be interesting to see how things emerge once everyone is all together for a while. initially the big girls are ignoring the babies. and the babies are following them around in a loud pack of 17. it was awesome to see our flock, our complete flock together!
it was interesting herding everyone up last night for the first time into the barn together. not nearly as horrific as i anticipated with us running around the orchard 32 times trying to herd up 27 girls. getting covered in mud and sweat. like usual, the big girls greeted us at the gate and started telling us about their day and started walking toward their old barn. the big girls are not a fan of change. so the task began. it wasn't that bad though. i'm all about the calm talking and i feel like they like it when i call them by name, too. we got the big ducks in the run first then farmer dad went after the babies as i stood guard so the big girls wouldn't get out. the babies weren't nearly as time consuming to round up as the big girls, and they quickly walked into their run then into the barn. that was easy! the big girls didn't want it though. we had to catch them and put them in. once they got in they stood their and tilted their head looking at us. i love that head tilt. everyone seemed to be talking and introducing themselves as we were leaving. i wonder what they were saying to each other. o to speak quack-ish. (is that what their language called?) this morning, everyone was well and in good spirits. so that is good. things are changing on the farm.
til next time,
farmer mom
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