past the crawfish ponds, where the pink birds fly...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

my first post...

my first post...
it all has to start somewhere, right?  and this is that moment.  welcome to fleur farm! 
this is our journey as we officially start our farm  and the life that goes with it. because we are so much more than a farm, we are a family. 

meet the family:
we are a family of four people: farmer dad,  farmer mom, and two growing farmer boys 13 1/2 months apart.  now 6 and almost 5. o my. four dogs: aunt beru, anakin, amidala, and wompa.  one cat: midnight, and twenty seven ducks: eeney, meeney, miney, mo. melba, shirley, petunia, irene. batman and robin.  gilligan, the skipper, the professor, mr and mrs howell, mary ann, ginger. clementine, padma, bluma, posie, viola, flo. wonder woman, bat girl, superman and flash.

on the farm front we specialize in cayuga duck eggs that our girls give us daily.  i am grateful for their ability to do this and for the nutrients that they provide for our family and others.  to be completely honest,   i was never, and i mean NEVER, a bird person.  something about them simply freaked me out and scared me in some way.  but one day i gave farmer dad an organic gardening magazine issue that i got from some wonderful woman from freecycle to read when he had time at work,  and the next thing you know we were getting 10 baby cayuga duckling for valentines day.  they are good forgers, not noisy, and friendly.  plus good egg producers.   it has grown from there with 17 more ducks (snow white, ying, and susie didn't make it).  they are so easy to take care of, and interesting too. i have now definitely overcame my anti bird thing  and cherish our girls.  after spending some time with our 10 originals  we thought,  why not get more and sell their eggs. we would be  teaching the guys  about taking care of animals and running a business, plus contributing to the house hold income.  i'm sold.  count me in.  so here we are today.  starting to sell our beautiful girls eggs. 
on the home front, i am a stay at home mom, wife, and home school teacher.   i have always been with our guys.  it was important to both farmer dad and myself that i stay home and raise them.  i'm so grateful for this.  every moment, i am there.  i comfort them when they get boo-boo's, guide them when they need good direction, laugh at the funny things they say and cry over the bitter sweet moments when i realize that the time is going WAY, WAY to fast.  i'm here all the time  and i wouldn't trade it for the world.  i was meant to be a mom! honestly speaking  i was anti homeschooling, before we had kids.  but then having them i couldn't see some other person educating them or spending all that time with them.  i wanted to.  call me greedy! our guys attend the promethus home school institute where they are following classical education.   i'm learning as i go as they are, so that is fun. it's nice to have the ability and flexibility to change things as we go.  i'm learning to go with the life that we're given, not to dwell on what was or could have been, even though there are those moments.   our youngest farmer son was diagnosed with  sensorineural bilateral  hearing lose in 2010.  since then we have found out that it is progressive and we are preparing for the day when his wonderful hearing aids  no longer work for him.  right now we are learning as many signs as possible.  it's amazing to see him pick up on new signs instantly and be able to communiate with us better and us him.  nothing like learning a new language and meeting a whole bunch of  new people because of it. 

 i'd like to document and share our journey as we officially start our farm. but not just that, because there is so much more.   i want to share our life and moments in it as we home school  our two sons and learn and grow with them.  from teaching the youngest farmer  son to read and teaching the older farmer son to sign and i would really like to share the random moments that are completely bizarre.  like the dead mouse  we found hanging in the tree or this other little guy swimming in the duck pond. stuck.  cold and shaking. it seems like there is never a dull moment.

 so welcome.  please join us on our journey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Cant wait to read more from my favorite farm family!