... that the season is starting to change. the sun is coming up later and is shifting. the morning temperature is in the low 70's or 60's and a little chilly. i can hardly believe that it is almost the middle of september. time is going so fast. things will be changing here too. we will go from our busy season with outside activities all the time- watering, weeding, cutting grass, etc. to inside projects to pass the time. maybe even going a little stir crazy during the winter. it's so interesting of how i'm aware of this now and how i used to not notice it at all. seasons came and went but now i notice the in between.i notice the subtle changes that mark the ending of one season and the start of another. i'm noticing the moments, the time. time is coming and going. it happens at a steady rate but i know it now, i embrace this now. life is too short not to do what you want to do today. so i try and maximize my time.
a few months ago, farmer dad and i decided to cancel directv. (which if we ever get tv again it shall be from them. shout out to direct tv- your rock!) anyway, i never noticed how much time at the end of the day i spent watching tv- mindless crap that passed my moments. never to be had again. now i fill that time with constructive things that i'd like to accomplish- i have a strip quilt going, and a single crochet cotton blanket that is using my time. plus countless decoupage projects that are filling our house. it's such a change of pace, a nice change of pace. now i am marking these moments and i have something to show for it. something that will last.
Marie Beynon Ray said "Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late."
i'm a huge believer of carpe diem. seize the day. it is all we have. yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here. looking at this moment, this day as the season changes and marks a period of time done for another year. it's the ongoing cycle. the ongoing cycle that i'm not just a bystander for but and embracer of it.
what is your favorite season? if you had to pick one season to be n for the rest of your life what would it be? i don't think that i would pick summer is too hot to be in all the time, even though summer water activities are awesome.i don't think winter either. it is too cold. even though we don't typically get snow down here it is a different kind of cold. it's a in your bones kind of cold... one that a veggie gumbo with wild rice can cure (as my cajun ancestors curse me) but i don't think that i ;s like to spend all my time in that one either. spring would be good. still cool but not cold. the bugs aren't as bad either as they have yet o come back out of winter mood. or maybe fall. the leaves changing, it's starting to get cooler, but not yet cold. what are you thoughts about the seasons and time? are you ready for fall?
til next time,
farmer mom
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