wasn't that bad. thank goodness. we lost electricity at 9:56 am on wednesday when we were doing school. the storm had barely started. no electricity mode instantly kicked in. i called the electric company to report our outage. the recording told me that they weren't even going to look at it until the winds were under 30 mph and it may be a few days. this is where i started to freak out on the inside, wondering if we had planned enough ahead for everything. i had made an effort lately to use the food that we had in the freezers and fill up that space with water filled juice bottles that could be used for drinking water after they defrosted. i also knew that we have access to what ever water was left in the well before we lost the electricity. i had no idea that amount, though so we didn't to use that up. we have 3 rain barrel set up, so we were able to access water to flush the potties and dog water if we needed. if it got really bad, we could add different containers else where to try and catch more rain for the dogs or for us too.
we had 7 doz eggs sitting in the fridge, but i felt assured that we had enough of that frozen water to keep the temperature where it needed to be until the storm passed and we were able to bring our eggs to a friends fridge if we didn't have power back yet. so that was a relief. thank goodness for friends.
honestly one of big concerns was my morning coffee, how selfish and materialisic is that. nothing starts my day like coffee after my mornign exercise of course, but was i going to exercise and get all sweaty with no aboility for a shower, i think not. i could almost feel the morning head ache set in. this was the moment that i instantly regretted not having a non electric coffee maker. i realized that we definitely needed to find on that didn't rely on power. thank goodness for propane.
the moments were calm though. the farmer sons and i sat and read some books. it was peaceful. it didn't take long for the house to start getting hot though. with the direction of the storm we were able to open two windows a crack which all in all is better then nothing. farmer dad moved the empty chest freezer into our room. i was anticipating the cool air at night after it was open. he even put it on my side of the bed. how romantic of him.
the girls were good. they seemed to really enjoy the rain. why wouldn't they- they're ducks. we kept them in the duck run though for safety and ease. which worked out great. the dogs didn't really mind either.
after 9 hours of no electricity suddenly it was back on like that. we knocked on wood that it would stay. it was right in time for bed. we cooled off the house and enjoyed a normal evening together. we even put the chest freezer back.
on thursday we all went outside as a family and took care of the animals. the storm had passed, i was just a little wind and rain. we took farmer son 2's hearing aids out of course. it was fun. the sons and the dogs all got rid of excess energy they had building up. it definitely made me feel alive. working in the rain with my family around me doing what we love.
the trees survived too! two needed be tied again but everyone seemed to do good and stand their ground. that was a pleasant welcomed surprise. it was mesmerizing to watch the willow tree dance in the wind.
it was a great adventure. memories of our first storm will last forever.
til next time,
farmer mom
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