... and she was gone. as fast as she came into our lives she left it. this moment was not expected at all. she was so young and vibrant. midnight was the world's greatest cat- by far. she will NEVER be replaced. one morning she simply wasn't here waiting to be fed. normally she is sitting at the front door. no amount of whistling, name calling, searching for her brought her back. i asked the neighbors if they have seen her, but nothing. farmer dad and i realized that when it was her time that we probably wouldn't bury her. based off the fact that she was an outside cat and probably would leave us to die. i thought that i had time though. didn't think that our time was so limited. i didn't realize how much i appreciated her until it was too late. that is a horrible feeling. life is too short.
to the worlds greatest cat- rest in peace midnight. we love you!
to the worlds greatest cat- rest in peace midnight. we love you!
til next time,
farmer mom
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